Perfectly Political

Perfectly Political

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The French Election

The run-off election in France is May 7th. This is one of the most important elections in France. Why? Listen and find out. Works Cited Last Week Tonight with John Oliver clip - Hollande approval clip - France 24 News ...  Show more

Trump V Environment

President Trump is his first 3 months as president has signed multiple executive orders deregulating climate change regulations. Why? (I recorded by my window to get some ambient noise of cars driving by. Figured it would go with the topic) Sources ...  Show more

Ep 1: Immigration and the wall

What will Trump's wall cost? Will it really help? Trump's wall could do almost nothing but be extremely expensive. We also talk about how immigration courts are a joke. Guest speaker, Sam Hunter. Sources ...  Show more

Introduction-Perfectly Political

This episode is purely an introduction to future episodes. It gives a basic understanding to what future episodes will be about.