
770.9M Plays

Discover and share their 2024 in music

Fayrouz, A Golden Legacy

Popular Playlists


Curated playlists to accompany you from sunrise to sunset

Nostalgic Albums

Albums to relive the past to the rhythm of Fayrouz’s classics

Musicals & Performances

Albums that capture the best of Fayrouz on stage

Fayrouz Meets Ziad

Mother and son working together to create timeless masterpieces

Fayrouz around the Arab World

Songs dedicated to beloved Arab countries & cities

Music inspired by Fayrouz

Artists who have been influenced by the legend

Singing the Legends

Kahlil Gibran, Joseph Harb, Zaki Nassif, Phelemon Wehbe & More

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Fayrouz on the Big Screen

Songs from the movies Fayrouz has starred in