Christian radio transformed how the gospel reached the masses in the 20th century. Today, Stephen Nichols explores the history of this powerful medium, highlighting figures whose programs brought God's Word into homes around the world. Read the transcript: ...Show more
Happy New Year?
When did January 1 become New Year's Day? Today, listen as Stephen Nichols traces the history of the calendar, exploring how church traditions and historical events shaped the observance of the new year. Read the transcript: ...Show more
In teaching that Christ is re-sacrificed in holy communion and that receiving the Mass is a good work, the Roman Catholic Church is keeping souls captive to a false gospel. On this day 500 years ago, Martin Luther's criticism of this doctrine is being printed far and wide. Will h ...Show more
With Sola Scriptura, or “through Scripture alone,” the Reformers affirmed the authority of Scripture over and above the tradition of the Roman Catholic church. Today, questions of authority and accountability still plague the church, stemming from the influence of radical Anabapt ...Show more
How did the early church recognize the books of the New Testament as Scripture? In this episode, Barry Cooper examines four signs of a book's divine authority. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. ...Show more
The mid-15th to mid-16th centuries in Europe was an era of political, social, and religious unrest, when the Roman Catholic Church was being questioned by those who sought a more direct connection with God. In the midst of this turmoil in Germany stood Thomas Müntzer, a preacher ...Show more