نعمة بعد ١٣ سنة

نعمة بعد ١٣ سنة


مفاجأة سارّة

في المرة الأولى حملت سالي وولّدت بسهولة. الا انها لم تكن مستعدة للحمل بمولود ثان. فقررت ان تستعين بلولب هرموني لمنع الحمل. وبالرغم من ان فعالية اللولب تصل الى ٩٩٪؜، فقد شاء حظ سالي ان تحمل رغم وجود اللولب. ماذا تفعلين اذا حملت دون ان تكوني مستعدة لهكذا مفاجأة؟ سالي تشاركنا الحديث ...  Afficher plus

تبرّع حب

طوال حياتها الزوجية، كانت سمر تحلم أن تصبح أماً. إلا أنها اكتشفت مع زوجها، بعد عدة معاينات وعلاجات، أن بويضاتها غير كافية للحمل. ماذا تفعل؟ هل تستسلم؟ بعد معاناة طويلة، وكثير من التعب، والغضب، والحزن رأت ان هناك طريقة ثانية للإنجاب، وهي قبول التبرّع بالبويضات. في هذه الحلقة، تبين ...  Afficher plus

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In her second SuperSoul Conversation, New York Times best-selling author Dr. Shefali Tsabary discusses the revolution of conscious parenting, creating an awakened family and raising confident children. Dr. Shefali shares teachings from her book "The Awakened Family." She provides ...  Afficher plus

Your mother ... Your mother ... Your mother - Ramadhan Reflections 2019 [Day 15]
Living The Quran Through The Living Quran

And We have enjoined on a human being to do good to his parents. His mother bears him with trouble and pain and brings him forth with trouble and pain. The bearing of him and his weaning (takes) thirty months, till when he attains his full maturity and reaches (the age of) forty ...  Afficher plus

A Nuclear Family
The Badass Counseling Show

Christa describes her childhood as "World War III." But who was the aggressor? Sven helps Christa blow up the falsehood of her family's myth that the parents were great and the kids were bad. All she wanted was a Dad, but he was always absent, and Mom was cruel and abusive. ...  Afficher plus

S2 E7. Raising kids with Kasey Davidson: Albinism, cancer and modern miracles
Choosing Faith

After a poignant line in her patriarchal blessing, Kasey Davidson, a Brisbane mother of four, grew up knowing that motherhood would bring some extra challenges.  Little did she realise that marrying her future husband would form a rare combination of genetics and result in their ...  Afficher plus