Sam Altman on the A.I. Revolution, Trillionaires and the Future of Political Power

Sam Altman on the A.I. Revolution, Trillionai...


What Is the Democratic Party For?

Top Democrats have closed ranks around Joe Biden since the debate. Should they? Mentioned:“This Isn’t All Joe Biden’s Fault” by Ezra Klein“Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” by The Ezra Klein Show“Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work” with Elaine Kamarck on ...  عرض المزيد

After That Debate, the Risk of Biden Is Clear

I joined my Times Opinion colleagues Ross Douthat and Michelle Cottle to discuss the debate — and what Democrats might do next.Mentioned:“The Biden and Trump Weaknesses That Don’t Get Enough Attention” by Ross Douthat“Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!” with Matthew ...  عرض المزيد

‏حلقات موصى بها

The Economy Is Good. So Why Do We Feel Terrible About It?
The Daily

The U.S. economy is doing better than many had anticipated. Some 80 percent of jobs lost during the pandemic have been regained, and people are making, and spending, more.But Americans seem to feel terrible about the financial outlook.Why the gap between reality and perception?Gu ...  عرض المزيد

The Bad Vibes Around a Good Economy
The Daily

The American economy, by many measures, is doing better than it has done in years. But for many Americans, that is not how it feels. Their feelings point to an enduring mystery: Why do Americans feel so bad when the economy is so good?Jeanna Smialek, who covers the Federal Reserv ...  عرض المزيد

Why a Good Economy Feels Like a Bad One
Radio Atlantic

The illusion persists, despite all evidence. Americans are pessimistic about the economic future. They feel worse off than their parent’s generation. Poll after poll shows that at best, only twenty percent of Americans say the economy is doing better than it was a year ago.  More ...  عرض المزيد

Money Talks: Lessons from the great macro experiment
Economist Podcasts

American economists are scratching their heads in confusion. The Fed’s aggressive rate hikes hasn’t produced the outcome many expected. Instead of recession and massive layoffs, the US economy now looks tantalisingly close to a fabled “soft landing” with the jobs market remaining ...  عرض المزيد