You, But Better

You, But Better


Innovation 2.0: How Big Ideas Are Born

Why is it so hard to guess where we're meant to be? To predict where we'll end up? Nearly all of us have had the experience of traveling down one road, only to realize it's not the road for us. At the University of Virginia, Saras Sarasvathy uses the lens of entrepreneurship to s ...  Afficher plus

Parents: Keep Out!

If you're a parent or a teacher, you've probably wondered how to balance play and safety for the kids in your care. You don't want to put children in danger, but you also don't want to rob them of the joy of exploration. This week, we talk with psychologist Peter Gray about how t ...  Afficher plus

Épisodes Recommandés

848: What will be better in your life a year from now?
What Drives You with Kevin Miller

Of course as the New Year is upon us we have many people making resolutions and thinking of goals, but this was a simple question to discern what is most on our hearts to make better in our life. As Tom Ziglar has shared, far more people relate to solving a problem rather than ha ...  Afficher plus

How to Make Better Decisions (Encore)
The Science of Happiness

Can practicing mindfulness make us wiser? Judge Jeremy Fogel explores how being present in the moment helps him keep a clear mind and stay connected to his true values. Episode summary: What do you think it takes to become wiser, more compassionate, and more open-minded? This wee ...  Afficher plus

Scientifically Changing Your Brain with Positive Thinking
The Mindset Mentor

In this episode, we're diving deep into the science of positive thinking and how it can literally rewire your brain. Yes, you heard that right! Just like hitting the gym works out your muscles, focusing on positive thoughts exercises your brain, making it stronger and more resili ...  Afficher plus

A Better Way to Solve A Problem & How Human Biases Affect Your Decisions
Something You Should Know

We all make mistakes. However, wouldn’t it be nice if you could make fewer of them? This episode begins by revealing two simple strategies that have been proven to help people make fewer mistakes when they attempt to accomplish a task. (Source: Joseph Hallinan author of Why We Ma ...  Afficher plus