Feeling Stuck? So was Dr. Lona Cook. But She Found a Way Out!

Feeling Stuck? So was Dr. Lona Cook. But She ...

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#287: Be Unapologetically You: Strategies to Step into Your Authenticity with Confidence & Courage

Do you ever hide who you really are, worried about not fitting in with those around you? Today, we're uncovering the courage it takes to live authentically and the incredible transformation that follows when you do.In a world where conformity is often rewarded, stepping into your ...  Show more

#286: A Coming Out Story Like No Other! John's Heartfelt Saga of Courage, Conflict, & The Complexity of Family Dynamics

Are you ready to dive into a story that twists the fabric of family ties and personal truth? What does it take to stand boldly in your identity, especially when it's at odds with those you love?This isn't just another coming out story; it's a saga of courage, confrontation, and t ...  Show more