29: "Down with the King" Director Diego Ongaro & DP Danny Vecchione

29: "Down with the King" Director Diego Ongar...

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140: "The Gutter" DP Veronica Bouza

Today I'm privilidged to have Veronica Bouza on the program to talk about her work on the new film "The Gutter"! Veronica is a Director of Photography originally from Los Angeles, California, whose work spans narrative, commercial, and documentary. She moved up the ranks thro ...  Show more

139: "Shotcraft" w/ Jay Holben

Today I'm thrilled to have my friend Jay Holben back to talk about his new book Shotcraft. A former cinematographer, Jay is an author of three books on cinematography, a contributing technical editor for American Cinematographer Magazine, faculty instructor for Global Cinemat ...  Show more