Quiet Your Mind So You Can Create | The Creative Retreat, Black Girl Creative, Meditation for Black Women, Deep Work for Black Women,

Quiet Your Mind So You Can Create | The Creat...

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the pros and cons of being a full time artist & creator | Black Girl Creative Podcast

Dear Black Girl Creative, So, you want to be a full time artist? Wonderful! Let's talk about the pros and cons of being a full time, independent artist. I'll share my own experiences and use them to help you better decide if full time artistry feels right to you. Be messy ...  Show more

your art is better than the algorithm. create whatever you want.

Dear Black Girl Creative, You are better than the algorithm. This is a Black Girl Creative Rant about Capitalism, Creativity and Social Media, and why it's so hard to be creative online. I don't wanna create for an algorithm. I just wanna make stuff. You are better than t ...  Show more