Talking Cancellation | Clementine and Jay from Fucking Cancelled

Talking Cancellation | Clementine and Jay fro...


How To Get Good at Magic - Notes From Bolivia | Solo Show

Coming to you from the shores of Lake Titicaca! Some lessons on how to get good at magic, specifically sigil magic, learned on the road in Bolivia. The short answer is your first hundred sigils will teach you more about magic than any book ever will. The long answer is.... this p ...  Afficher plus

Is Marxism Gnostic? Responding To Jordan Peterson | Miguel Conner

Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio's Miguel Conner returns to the show this week for an in-depth unpacking of claims made by Jordan Peterson, James Lindsay and others in the online Right that Marxism is actually Gnosticism. We look at The origins of these claims. Exactly WHERE and HOW they ...  Afficher plus