Heteras, las cortesanas de Grecia

Heteras, las cortesanas de Grecia

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Allan Pinkerton, el primer detective privado de la historia

En 1850, el escocés Allan Pinkerton fundó en Chicago una agencia de detectives que se haría célebre por atrapar a salteadores de trenes, criminales políticos... y huelguistas. 

El bombardeo de Guernica, la tragedia que inspiró una obra maestra

La noticia de la destrucción de Guernica por las bombas de la aviación nazi y fascista desencadenó en Picasso un impulso creativo del que surgió una de las obras maestras de la pintura occidental. 

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They're Not So Awful After All, Ancient Greek Women in Herodotus' History
Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold

The ancient Greeks weren't all gods and monsters. Herodotus was the world's first historian, he travelled the region writing down stories of the recent past. We discuss how he accounts for some of the most famous myths of the Greek world, and some of the badass women he wrote abo ...  Show more

Spartan Women
Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics

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002 The Greek Genesis
The History of Ancient Greece

In this episode, we take a look at Creation, according to the Greeks; the Titanomachy, the Gigantomachy, and the ascendancy of the Olympian Gods; the creation of the first humans; the story of Prometheus and the first woman, Pandora; Deucalion and the great flood; and the progeni ...  Show more

Aspasia and Pericles
Stuff You Missed in History Class

This is often held up as one of history’s great love stories – Plutarch wrote that Pericles kissed Aspasia every single day. And that’s very sweet and romantic, but their high-profile relationship was central to a key period in Greek history. Learn more about your ad-choices at h ...  Show more