How Curator E. Carmen Ramos is Representing Us in the Art World

How Curator E. Carmen Ramos is Representing U...


How Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez is Complicating the Immigrant Narrative

When her parents’ tourists visas expired, and they were no longer allowed entry into the United States, Elizabeth, an American citizen, persuaded her parents to allow her to stay in Arizona solo.  She was only 15 years-old. Even as she contended with housing and food insecurity, ...  Afficher plus

How Cecilia Marquez is Retelling the History of the American South

In her new book, Making the Latino South, the Hunt Family Assistant Professor in History at Duke University chronicles the dramatic racial evolution of non-Black Latinos living in the American South from the 1940s to the early 2000s.Follow Cecilia on X (formerly Twitter) @ProfCec ...  Afficher plus