



本集節目由【Bonjour女人愛買鞋】贊助播出   最好穿的網路女鞋品牌Bonjour 獨家研發「核心美體平衡機能鞋」   ∎回正身體重心∎ 原本依賴己久的不良姿勢,會因為特殊的鞋底弧度,將身體重心導回核心達到收腹作用,自然抬頭挺胸重塑完美體態。   ∎高科技爆米花鞋墊∎ 抗震+高回彈減壓超有感!獨特分子技術可以依照行走動態改變回彈方式,釋放壓力每一步。   🧡BONJOUR|越穿,越好穿🧡 結帳輸入折扣碼『auntie』再現折$100 購買連結👉 https://bj.shoes/D6oZo ---本集內容--- 艾小坡和爸爸去看舞台劇「福爾摩斯探 ...  Afficher plus


花豹小姐每天都開公車載動物們去各種地方, 車上總是坐滿了乘客。直到有一天, 一輛車從花豹公車旁邊呼嘯而過, 這輛小黑車吐出一口煙,一口氣衝得好遠。 公車上的動物都覺得:超・酷・的! 第二天,公車裡開始出現空位, 路上車子越來越多,噗噗噗的不停吐著煙, 最後公車上都是空位,只剩花豹小姐一個人... *本集故事:《花豹公車失業了》 文圖作者:娜塔莉亞‧莎洛什維利 翻譯:鄭琦諭 出版社:水滴文化 看看這本書👇 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010973915 *本集英文:Take a bus. (後期製作:Naichi ...  Afficher plus

Épisodes Recommandés

EP.51 WFH居家辦公壓力大?為生活加一點甜!防疫品蜜:從色香味辨別挑選品質好的蜂蜜!

在家待了幾個禮拜,手搖飲也喝了好幾杯,工作壓力大想為生活加一點甜,但又擔心健康怎麼辦?蜂蜜其實是一個不錯的選項!品質好的蜂蜜就像是天然的保養品,味道也好!在講究『慢生活』的時代裡,也越來越盛行品蜜- 從色、香、味不同角度去細細品味每種蜂蜜獨特之處。 餐桌故事 4:28 科普小教室!蜜蜂原來是這樣產蜜? **9:04 **天然的尚好,蜂蜜可以提高免疫力? 11:40 色、香、味三步驟!如何辨品質好壞? 16:32 保證不踩雷!細節藏在認證標章裡? **20:20 **生蜂蜜跟加工蜂蜜的最大差別? **21:16 **戰鬥民族竟然是喝這種蜂蜜長大的? 幸福調 ...  Afficher plus

Concerned About Your Child’s Eating Habits? Ellyn Satter Has Answers
Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled

Janet’s guest is the world-renowned nutritionist, family therapist, and author Ellyn Satter. Throughout her long career, Ellyn has successfully addressed issues related to eating and feeding and taught parents how to transform meals into happy, healthful, struggle-free events. “T ...  Afficher plus

Writing Your Family's Food Story with Chef Julia Nordgren, MD
Baby-Led Weaning Made Easy

#88: Your baby is a blank slate. And starting solid foods is actually an opportune time to think about what YOUR family’s food story is going to be!   In this episode I’m joined by Chef Julia Nordgren, MD a pediatrician turned food advocate and culinary expert. She’s talking us t ...  Afficher plus

Your Partner’s Role in Supporting You in Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond
Pregnancy Podcast

Most aspects of having a baby rest solely on the mother. One of the biggest things I hear from partners during pregnancy, labor, and after their baby arrives is that they don't know what to do. They feel useless and like they can't help. Or they feel like there is nothing for the ...  Afficher plus