DR JILL BOLTE TAYLOR: The neuroscientist shows Sarah how to live blissfully in the right brain

DR JILL BOLTE TAYLOR: The neuroscientist show...

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AMA: What is hypergamy? And explain why older women are dating younger men

In today’s AMA, I cover an intriguing phenomenon in male-female dynamics playing out in the dark, twisted underworld that is dating culture - hypergamy. The phenomenon that has existed for eons whereby women date/marry “up” in educational status, income, age, height etc and men t ...  Show more

OLIVIA LAZARD: The big fat renewable energy blindspot NO ONE wants to talk about

Olivia Lazard (peace mediator; rare minerals expert) exposes missing chunks in the “green” energy transition that many of us assume to be the “fix” to the climate crisis. Via her work as a fellow at Carnegie Europe and advisor on global security, she explains how the mining and e ...  Show more