#115 Dr. Bryan Ardis - Depopulation In Progress. Thankfully we have Solutions

#115 Dr. Bryan Ardis - Depopulation In Progre...

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Expert Insights: Peter Wilson on Discharging the Charge

Peter Wilson explains the Strawman, his thoughts on Crypto and healthy living. About my Guest: Ex Royal Navy gunner and armourer, turned professional fighter. Owned and ran own martial arts gym for about 30 years. Always been aware of something not being right in the world, went ...  Show more

What Really Happened with the Trump Shooting with Scott Bennett

Freedom Broadcasters Livestream On July 18, 2024 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST Guest: Scott Bennett Topic: Analyzing Putin: The Checkmate Move in Global Revolution https://armypsyop.wixsite.com/shellgame https://www.patreon.com/shellgame Bio: Lt.Scott Bennett, PhD, an author and an Ind ...  Show more