How medicine mansplained women’s health

How medicine mansplained women’s health

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Mysteries we can’t stop thinking about

The wildest stories that never made it into our episodes. Until now.Guests: Amy Boddy, anthropological scientist at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Jayme Locke, transplant surgeon at the University of Alabama at Birmingham; Jonathan Jiang, research scientist at the J ...  Show more

Who let the wolves in?

Dogs were the first domesticated animal in history, emerging from wolves some 20,000 years ago. But how did wolves become dogs? To find the answer, scientists have to play with a lot of puppies. (First published in 2023.)Guest: Kathryn Lord, evolutionary biology researcher at UMa ...  Show more

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SEXUAL ENERGY SERIES-5: New Options for Women’s Sex Lives – Dr. Somi Javaid : 791
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