How US-Russian relations fractured in the 1990s

How US-Russian relations fractured in the 199...


Smash hits: 17th-century style

The music of the past can tell us a great deal about the time in which it was created - from societal trends to political affiliations. As part of the '100 Ballads' project, Professor Christopher Marsh and Dr Angela McShane have identified 100 of the biggest musical hits from 17t ...  عرض المزيد

Benjamin Franklin: life of the week

One of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin is a towering figure in 18th-century history. Although he is widely remembered for his role in the American War of Independence, his influence stretches far beyond that. Elinor Evans spoke to historian ...  عرض المزيد

‏حلقات موصى بها

174. Merlin, Magic and the British
The Rest Is History

Richard II, Prince Charles, and Tony Blair. From Merlin, to the middle ages, to the modern day, the mysterious world of magic, necromancy and the occult has had a notable presence in the lives of British monarchs, politicians and members of high society.  Tom and Dominic are join ...  عرض المزيد

475 Portable Magic - A History of Books and Their Readers (with Emma Smith)
The History of Literature

As we all know, the text of a book can possess incredible powers, transporting readers across time and space. But what about the books themselves? In this episode, Jacke talks to author Emma Smith (This Is Shakespeare) about her new book, Portable Magic: A History of Books and Th ...  عرض المزيد

The Ancients

From seductive sorceresses to withered necromancers, witches play a varied - and vital - role in ancient history. Recorded in classical epics by the likes of Homer, and immortalised in tragedies by Euripides, the names Circe and Medea resonate across society and culture even toda ...  عرض المزيد

The Psychology of The Magician

The Magician is the most mysterious and fascinating of all archetypes. He is a person who has gained access to esoteric or occult (hidden) knowledge, bringing the spiritual to the material. Thus, he is an initiate of secret and hidden knowledge of all kinds. As the Emerald Tablet ...  عرض المزيد