Anthony Trucks: It’s Time for an Identity Shift

Anthony Trucks: It’s Time for an Identity Shi...

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6 Uncommon Ways to Make Space for Healing

This episode is brought to you by Redefining Wealth Live, October 6-8, 2024 in Atlanta, GA. In this special episode of the Redefining Wealth podcast celebrating seven years of the podcast, Patrice reflects on the journey toward a thriving community with 20 million downloads and 3 ...  Show more

Stop Sitting on Your Million Dollar Story with Amy Porterfield

This episode is brought to you by Redefining Wealth Live, October 6-8, 2024 in Atlanta, GA. Tune in for this episode as Patrice wraps up her Give Voice to Truth series with special guest Amy Porterfield, an online marketing expert and host of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcas ...  Show more