Ross and Carrie Consult Bashar: Multi-Dimensional Channeler Edition

Ross and Carrie Consult Bashar: Multi-Dimensi...

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Ross and Carrie Try Chiropractic (Part 3): Scientology Connection Edition

Ross and guest host Darrin Butters, animator extraordinaire, take a walk through chiropractic's history, including many surprising connections to Scientology. Then we find out what happens when Ross visits a third chiropractor and learns the secret KST diagnosis and treatment met ...  Show more

The Communion Communion Bonbon Boncon

Ross and Carrie commune with John Hodgman, author, actor, and host of Maximum Fun's own Judge John Hodgman, about all things Communion: the Whitley Strieber book, the Christopher Walken film, and the old-fashioned wine and wafer. Get in on the great debate over energy vampires vs ...  Show more