Leontia Flynn

Leontia Flynn

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Martin Bell

Frank loves a hard-drinking, hard-smoking Polytechnic lecturer like Martin Bell, especially when he is offering poetic praise to Groucho Marx. The poems referenced are ‘Ode to Groucho’ by Martin Bell and ‘The Second Coming’ by W.B. Yeats. 

Jo Shapcott

Jo Shapcott sends Frank, an enthusiastic tree-hugger, into a sap-soaked frenzy. The collection referenced is ‘Of Mutability’. The poems referenced are ‘I Go Inside The Tree’, ‘My Oak’ and ‘Cypress’. 

Recommended Episodes

811: Possum
The Slowdown: Poetry & Reflection Daily

Today’s poem is Possum by Todd F. Davis. 

674: My Ornithology (Orange-crowned Warbler)
The Slowdown: Poetry & Reflection Daily

Today’s poem is My Ornithology (Orange-crowned Warbler) by Hai-Dang Phan 

794: High Fidelity
The Slowdown: Poetry & Reflection Daily

Today’s poem is High Fidelity by Tara Betts. 

In a powerful memoir, poet Joy Harjo talks about finding her voice and using it
NPR's Book of the Day

Poet Laureate Joy Harjo says she loved poetry as a kid, but didn't feel like it belonged to her. "It wasn't until I heard Native poets," she tells NPR's Michel Martin, "that I realized that, wow, this is a powerful tool of understanding and affirmation. And I don't know, I just s ...  Show more