Ep. 12, THE Dr. Freeman Hrabowski & ADVICE You Need

Ep. 12, THE Dr. Freeman Hrabowski & ADVICE Yo...


Literacy, Reading, Neurodivergence and Our Students - When Learning Doesn't Look the Same, S4 E5

Final day of Black History Month, phenomenal episode w/ phenomenal guests!! Research told Black students long ago that they lacked reading proficiency and were below reading level. Decades later, research is telling the same story that they're still woefully behind. What is g ...  Afficher plus

Black Geeks, Blerds, Cosplay and Dragon: What in the World is this World? S4E4

Black geeks, Blerds, Cosplayers they affectionately & proudly call themselves. Just in time for Black History Month, #28daysofcosplay Think dressing up in costumes, Marvel, superheroes, TV & movie characters, loving sci-fi, fantasy & space shows, talking science and technology -- ...  Afficher plus