Episode 74: Road Trip... Destination The United Kingdom! - Embracing Variety & Flexibility

Episode 74: Road Trip... Destination The Unit...


Episode 144: Road Trip... Destination, Marin California - Getting Used To The Discomfort - The Life Brief

Toni and Jenny head to Marin on this leg of the PATHPod road trip. They are over the moon about their conversation with Bonnie Wan, author of The Life Brief A Playbook For No-Regrets Living. It is no mistake that this episode is dropping the same day as the total solar eclipse. T ...  Afficher plus

Episode 143: Road Trip... Destination, Boothbay, Maine - Coastal Kitchen!

The ladies of the PATHPod head to a new state for their second National Nutrition Month episode! They traveled all the way up to Boothbay, Maine to visit fellow dietitian Jenny Shea Rawn. Jenny recently finished her first cookbook, Costal Kitchen Nourishing Seafood Recipes for Ev ...  Afficher plus