Completely in Our Minds and When You Know You Know - Song Challenge Songs 1 and 2

Completely in Our Minds and When You Know You...


Track 30 - Farewell - Fare Well

We all have that inner sense when it's time to leave an unhealthy situation, or even when it's just time to move on from a particular situation. Tune in to hear this week's empowering, soothing, and haunting track "Farewell - Fare Well". Yve also has a very special announcement t ...  Afficher plus

Track 29 - You Put it on A Pedestal - Even To Your Own Detriment

We often put the transient things that come and go and only bring temporary happiness on a pedestal and envy those whose lives are a reflection of that. But do we do that to our own detriment? Tune in to hear this week's track and why Yve Anmore felt very under pressure writing i ...  Afficher plus