228 | Kristin three births, vacuum delivery, miscarriage, homebirth, waterbirth, doula

228 | Kristin three births, vacuum delivery, ...


473 | Ash, three babies, induction, vaginal birth, homebirth, waterbirth, microcephaly,

Ash has been listening to the podcast since episode 40 so I’ve been in her ears every week for six years. Today she takes us through her three pregnancies and births, nodding to the importance of being prepared - listening to all kinds of births - and also accepting intervention ...  عرض المزيد

472 | Sarah Davidson, one baby, private obstetrician, miscarriage, ovulation induction, gestational diabetes, footling breech, planned caesarean

In today’s episode, Sarah takes us through her fertility experience as an adoptee which prompted her to do a series of tests early in her journey. After a missed miscarriage, she embarked on ovulation induction but then spontaneously conceived while on an overseas holiday. She op ...  عرض المزيد