Reading in various languages #Poems Eugénio de Andrade w/ #Rockabilly playlist

Reading in various languages #Poems Eugénio d...


Trailer of my 4 podcasts on worldwide Top100 charts everyweek

TheYedaRadio🎤 #ARTinHEART🎙 #VoxPapilio🦋 #VIPdossierTalks👄 on thousands of #podcast apps ( #Apple #Spotify iheartradio #stitcher etc etc ...  Afficher plus

Live chat about Britney Spears (messages and phonecalls listeners) #britneyspears

We had phonecalls from India, Ghana   Messages from Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Bangladesh, South Africa, China, etc...   Thank you to those who've participated in the Live chat about Britney Spears (messages and phonecalls listeners). The live streaming went on for 3 hours, with ...  Afficher plus