19 A Taste of Diet Starts Tomorrow (Emily Lubin)

19 A Taste of Diet Starts Tomorrow (Emily Lub...

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20 Penpal Cumpanion Cumgrats (Britt)

Remy and Robyn chat with Cumpanion Britt about her unique first time story, penpals, reading erotica, and her many many toys.  We discuss Roe v Wade and Britt explains the reasons she hasn't had penetrative sex with a penis and why she may never want to. Britt also opens up about ...  Show more

21 Coming Out As Liking Strong Women (Max Zavidow)

This we are talking to comedian & TikToker Max Zavidow.   Max shares all about his experiences with homophobia at camp, learning what m*sturbation was with a bunch of boys (yes with, not from), along with how this impacted his own first time c*mming.  We talk about the societal p ...  Show more