How to cultivate self-love and connect with your inner-healer with David Elliott

How to cultivate self-love and connect with y...

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How to release your emotions and train your awareness to the life you want with Mariana Fresnedo

On today’s episode, I sit down with Mariana Fresnedo -  an engineer and passionate about Quantum Mechanics. She was a true skeptic about all the mystical energetic world; until she found spirituality - or like she says: “the Spirirt found her”  through the bridge of science, quan ...  Show more

Misconceptions about periods and menstrual health with teacher and Academy Award winner Melissa Berton

Today’s episode is with Melissa Berton, an Academy Award-Winning Producer. Eleanor Roosevelt Global Women’s Rights Recipient. Forbes 50 Over 50 Honoree. The Pad Project, Founder | Executive Director. Melissa Berton, lifelong advocate for girls and women, has taught English at Oak ...  Show more

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