Episode 56 - Beau Rugg - The High School Basketball Referee with Mark Froelich

Episode 56 - Beau Rugg - The High School Bask...

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Episode 73 - Ryan Daman - The High School Basketball Referee with Mark Froelich

Ryan Daman of Napoleon, Ohio, is guest for episode 73 of "The High School Basketball Referee with Mark Froelich" podcast. POPCORN SPONSOR If you find value from "The High School Basketball Referee with Mark Froelich" and want to buy us a bag (or bags) of popcorn, you can Venmo to ...  Show more

Episode 72 - "Being the R" with Wayne Altstaetter - The High School Basketball Referee with Mark Froelich

Wayne Altstaetter, of Defiance, Ohio, is guest for episode 72 of "The High School Basketball Referee with Mark Froelich" podcast. Wayne talks about "Being the R," which is based on a presentation he gave to his local association. POPCORN SPONSOR If you find value from "The High S ...  Show more