Exodus 33-35, Psalm 36

Exodus 33-35, Psalm 36


Ecclesiastes 3-7, Psalm 113

As we continue our chronological reading of the Old Testament, we’re spending some time in the book of Ecclesiastes which was written by King Solomon. With all of his wealth, fame and wisdom, Solomon discerned that these things could not ultimately extend one’s life or even neces ...  عرض المزيد

2 Chronicles 8, 1 Kings 9, Ecclesiastes 1-2, Psalm 112

Today, we’re going to be in four different books of the Old Testament, which makes this episode the record-holder in number of places. Don’t worry, though: it’s not any longer than the average episode. In 2 Chronicles and 1 Kings we’ll cover Solomon’s imposition of forced labor o ...  عرض المزيد