Ep. 221: Getting Better Faster, feat. Jozef Chen

Ep. 221: Getting Better Faster, feat. Jozef C...

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Mini Ep. 8: Wedges

In this week's mini-episode, we're discussing wedges, and we don't mean pizza!  We break down the two types of wedges in Jiu-Jitsu: blocking wedges (used for immobilizing your opponent) and prying wedges (used for breaking open your opponent's defenses).  This ...  Show more

Ep. 290: Gym Culture and Dogma, feat. Jeff Serafin

This week we're joined by Jeff Serafin!  Jeff is the head instructor at Serafin BJJ, a partner at Gym 1801, and a black belt under Jack McVicker and Megaton Dias.  In this episode, Jeff advocates for fostering a healthy gym culture and reducing dogma in Jiu-Jitsu.  Topics in ...  Show more