Arminian Baptists with David Lytle, Charles Cook, and Jesse Owens

Arminian Baptists with David Lytle, Charles C...

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Gisbertus Voetius and Participation with Matthew Baines

Jordan talks with Matthew Baines about Gisbertus Voetius and participation. They cover all sorts of topics like: Who is Voetius? Why is he important? How does he relate to Thomism and Scotism? How "eclectic" really is the Reformed tradition? Is theology practical or contemplative ...  Show more

Thomas Hobbes and Scriptural Politics with Alison McQueen

Jordan and Philip talk with Professor Alison McQueen about Thomas Hobbes and his engagement with Scripture. They cover topics like who is Hobbes, what is the argument of Leviathan, the importance of biblical literacy for the study of Hobbes, the theological background of some of ...  Show more