162 Pt 1 Fathering Christian Business  John Beehner on Spirit-Centered Business™

162 Pt 1 Fathering Christian Business John B...


205: Pt. 2 Rest in Being the Light | Natalie Lavelock on Spirit-Centered Business™

Natalie and I continue the dive into some pretty transformative topics in this episode.  We’ve talked about the power of pausing in God’s presence—those “Selah” moments that give us a chance to breathe, reflect, and really connect with what matters most. Just being at rest in you ...  Afficher plus

204: Pt. 1 Spirit-Led Entrepreneurship | Natalie Lavelock on Spirit-Centered Business™

204: Pt. 1 Spirit-Led Entrepreneurship | Natalie Lavelock on Spirit-Centered Business™ Meet my fresh friend Natalie Lavelock! She is a powerhouse doing exciting things in executive coaching in the Kingdom business space. You will enjoy this conversation, full of rich, relatable i ...  Afficher plus