The science of spirituality with scientist Paul J. Mills

The science of spirituality with scientist Pa...

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Quantum jumping and the future of community with Stan Stalnaker

Today’s episode is with Stan Stalnaker, an American entrepreneur and futurist known for his work connecting digital and physical realms. His 2002 book Hub Culture became one of the world’s first social networks and today is the world’s longest running online social network. Hub C ...  Show more

How to be a “Quantum Capitalist” and unhook from the matrix with Renee Garcia

In today’s episode, I speak with Renée Garcia, a repeat guest and a leading advocate for Reality Transurfing and the author of "Quantum Capitalist."    As the founder of the International Transurfing Institute and the host of Transurfing TV, Renée is dedicated to making transform ...  Show more

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Joe Loizzo on The New Mind-Body Research & the Yogic Science of Integration
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This episode of Chitheads is a talk from Joe Loizzo republished from Embodied Philosophy’s Yoga Seminar.  It's a taste of a deeper dive with Dr. Joe Loizzo in our upcoming 30-hr Certificate Program, “Buddhist Psychology in the Nalanda Tradition,” co-presented with the Nalanda Ins ...  Show more