E65: 2023’s most practical advice

E65: 2023’s most practical advice

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E75 The business of building startups from Rocket Internet to Antler with Jonathan Doerr

I sat down with Jonathan Doerr, the Co-founding Partner at Antler MENAP to learn about his experience in building, scaling and exciting companies. Jonathan brings a ton of learning from his time with Rocket Internet, where he was the Co-founder and Managing Director at Jumia Nige ...  Show more

E74:From corporate America to corporate lunch. The story of MUNCH:ON

Dana Baki is the co-founder and COO at MUNCH:ON, a UAE born startup that was solving the corporate lunch problem. MUNCH:ON which started as LUNCH:ON was utilizing kitchen’s off-peak to deliver affordable meals to corporate executives. The business was experiencing high growth unt ...  Show more

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