Be humble -- and other lessons from the philosophy of water | Raymond Tang

Be humble -- and other lessons from the philo...


6 ways to make better online connections | Margaux Miller

Networking expert Margaux Miller offers a fresh playbook for making meaningful connections online, presenting six tips for building online relationships that emphasize quality over quantity and the importance of genuine, personalized interactions. Learn how to be more thoughtful ...  Afficher plus

How AI is decoding ancient scrolls | Julian Schilliger and Youssef Nader

AI researcher Youssef Nader and digital archaeologist Julian Schilliger share how they used AI to virtually "unroll" and decode the Herculaneum scrolls, burnt and buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius nearly 2,000 years ago. Learn how AI could help decipher a range of artifact ...  Afficher plus

Épisodes Recommandés

Historical Figures

Confucius was an ancient Chinese philosopher, teacher and politician whose wisdom and teachings are still followed to this day. Despite chaos and war during his life more than 2500 years ago, Confucius promoted harmonious ideals that resonated with people for centuries to come. C ...  Afficher plus

Qi-Gong, the Dao, Consciousness, and Pathfinding with Thomas Droge
Gateways to Awakening

In today’s episode, we talk about Qi-gong, the Dao, consciousness and pathfinding with Thomas Droge -- a classically trained acupuncturist, herbalist, teacher and author. Thomas is incredible -- he is literally an embodiment of the “Dao”, and has dedicated his life to studying an ...  Afficher plus

Advanced | 屈原与渔夫 Qu Yuan and the Fisherman
ChinesePod - Advanced

今天的课程里,我们把两千年前的中国诗人屈原的文章【渔父】改写成白话戏剧,不但演出,还加上讨论。对话当中,保留了几个已经成为“俗语”的文言文原句。同学们,一起来用中文学习中国的思想与文化吧! 【渔父】 屈原既放,游于江潭,行吟泽畔,颜色憔悴,形容枯槁。渔父见而问之曰:「子非三闾大夫与?何故至于斯?」屈原曰:「举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒,是以见放。」渔父曰:「圣人不凝滞于物,而能与世推移。世人皆浊,何不淈其泥而扬其波?众人皆醉,何不餔其糟而歠其醨?何故深思高举,自令放为?」屈原曰:「吾闻之,新沐者必弹冠,新浴者必振衣。安能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎?宁赴 ...  Afficher plus

Ep. 29 – Philosophy of the Tao
Alan Watts Being in the Way

Join us on a journey of contemplation and enlightenment in this captivating introduction to Taoism.Discover the profound wisdom of Taoist philosophy with Alan Watts as he invites us to embrace the course of nature. Through insightful exploration, he delves into the timeless signi ...  Afficher plus