A concrete idea to reduce carbon emissions | Karen Scrivener

A concrete idea to reduce carbon emissions | ...

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How AI can bridge the Deaf and hearing worlds | Adam Munder

Software engineer Adam Munder is on a mission to break down communication barriers between the Deaf and hearing worlds. In a live demo, he introduces OmniBridge — an AI platform that translates American Sign Language into English text in real time — and demonstrates how this tech ...  Show more

How to feed 10 billion people — without destroying nature | Andy Jarvis

Feeding 10 billion people without wrecking the planet means rethinking protein, from plant-based and fermented foods to lab-grown meat that tastes like the real thing. Presenting an exciting menu of sustainable options, food futurist Andy Jarvis highlights innovations, investment ...  Show more

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Can we recycle concrete?

Concrete is the most widely used substance on earth after water. It’s quite literally the foundation of the modern world, and no wonder - it’s strong, cheap, and mouldable into nearly any shape. But these benefits come at a cost: concrete production is responsible for around 8% o ...  Show more

The Secret to Making Concrete That Lasts 1,000 Years
Science, Spoken

Scientists have uncovered the Roman recipe for self-repairing cement—which could massively reduce the carbon footprint of the material today. 

Capturing carbon dioxide…and saving Life on Earth?
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AUB chemical engineering MSc student Elsy Milan uses 3D computer modelling to investigate how CO2 in the atmosphere can be captured and safely stored underground in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Her pioneering work analyzes data from 42 projects around the world to determine i ...  Show more

Decarbonizing Steel and Cement
Columbia Energy Exchange

The steel and cement industries are enormous and vital components of the global economy. Together, they account for roughly 16% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If the cement and steel industry were a country, it would be the third largest emitter. Both industries are referred ...  Show more