The Suxess Podcast

The Suxess Podcast

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Financial Health with Financial Advisor Hussein Jumaa | الصحّة المالية مع المستشار المالي حسين جمعة

‏Financial advisor Hussein Jumaa joined us in today's episode to discuss financial health and how citizens of the Lebanese community can manage their personal income and how this affects their personal and professional lives.انضم إلينا المستشار المالي حسين جمعة في حلقة اليوم لنشر ...  عرض المزيد

The Banking Risk with Expert Mohammad Fheili | المخاطر المصرفية مع الخبير محمد فحيلي

‏Mohammad Fheili, a banking expert, joined us in this episode to raise awareness and information about the Banking Risk and the impact of the Bank of Lebanon's Circulars on Lebanese citizens.انضم إلينا محمد الفحيلي ، خبير  المخاطر المصرفية ، في هذه الحلقة لنشر الوعي والمعلومات حو ...  عرض المزيد

The Financial Markets with Dr. Fadi Khalaf | الاسواق المالية مع الدكتور فادي خلف

‏Dr. Fadi Khalaf, a top financial markets expert, joined us in this episode to help us spread awareness and understanding about Financial Markets and how the upcoming Elections would affect the Dollar Exchange Rate and the fate of Lebanese citizens. انضم إلينا الدكتور فادي خلف ،  ...  عرض المزيد

The Printing of the Lebanese Poud with Dr.Patrick Mardini | طباعة الليرة اللبنانية

‏Dr. Patrick Mardini joined us in today's episode to spread awareness and knowledge about the printing of the Lebanese pound by the state and its consequences on the life of the Lebanese citizen, and its impact on the change in the dollar exchange rate.انضم إلينا الدكتور باتريك م ...  عرض المزيد

The impact of the public budget on the lives of individuals and companies with Dr. Pierre Al Khoury | تأثير الموازنة العامة على حياة الأفراد والشركات

‏Dr. Pierre El-Khoury joined us in today's episode to spread awareness and knowledge about the impact of the public budget on the lives of individuals and companies, as the Lebanese citizen is directly affected by how living facilities are provided through the Lebanese state's di ...  عرض المزيد