Stuff You Missed in History Class

Stuff You Missed in History Class

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Sir Humphry Davy and the Miner’s Lamp (Part 2)

Davy's career after his work in nitrous oxide included the invention of a miner's lamp designed to make mining safer. This invention came with a bit of controversy.  Research: "Britons take laughing gas merrily. Tories take it more seriously." The Economist, 27 Sept. 2023, p. NA. ...  Show more

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Sir Humphry Davy and the Miner’s Lamp (Part 2)

Davy's career after his work in nitrous oxide included the invention of a miner's lamp designed to make mining safer. This invention came with a bit of controversy.  Research: "Britons take laughing gas merrily. Tories take it more seriously." The Economist, 27 Sept. 2023, p. NA. ...  Show more

Sir Humphry Davy and Nitrous Oxide (Part 1)

Chemist Sir Humphry Davy is known for his work with nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. That early part of his career is the focus of part one of this two-parter. Research: "Britons take laughing gas merrily. Tories take it more seriously." The Economist, 27 Sept. 2023, p. NA. Gale O ...  Show more

SYMHC Classics: S.S. Sultana

This 2014 episode covers the Sultana, which sank the day after John Wilkes Booth was captured and killed for the murder of Abraham Lincoln So the maritime tragedy didn't make headline news. See for privacy information. 

Behind the Scenes Minis: Extreme Wealth and Wild Research

Holly and Tracy discuss Ward McAllister as the ultimate historical mean girl. They also talk about how people were reacting to the Blitz when it was happening. See for privacy information. 

Dr. Rachel Lance and 'Chamber Divers'

Holly talks with previous podcast guest Dr. Rachel Lance about her new book "Chamber Divers," which details the WWII research that advanced underwater science. See for privacy information.