Alternative Frequencies | غيّر الموجة

Alternative Frequencies | غيّر الموجة

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الحلقة ٣٦ - الفضاء المدني في لبنان: ماهيته، تحدّياته، والخطوات القادمة

‏يتحدث زياد عبد الصمد بالتفصيل عن الفضاء المدني في لبنان، مراقبته، والخطوات القادمة مع مقدّمة "غيّر الموجة" كريستيل بركات.    يشغل السيد عبد الصمد منصب المدير التنفيذي لشبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية (ANND) التي تضم 30 منظمة غير حكومية و 9 شبكات وطنية من 10 دول عربية. ...  Afficher plus

Episode 35: The Way Forward for the Agricultural Sector in Lebanon

‏Hala Abdallah discusses with Alternative Frequencies host Christelle Barakat the realities of the Lebanese agricultural sector in light of the overlapping crises and offers recommendations for improvement. Hala Abdallah currently serves as the Director of Studies and Coordinatio ...  Afficher plus

Episode 34: The Way Forward for the Manufacturing Sector in Lebanon

‏Industrial Entrepreneur and CEO of Polytextile Paul Abi Nasr discusses with Alternative Frequencies host Christelle Barakat the realities of the Lebanese manufacturing sector in light of the current overlapping crises and offers recommendations for the improvement of the sector ...  Afficher plus

Episode 33: Crisis Without End: Lebanon's Elusive Recovery

‏Three years into Lebanon's economic and financial meltdown, Founder and President of the Lebanese Institute for Market Studies Patrick Mardini says that the economy has not hit bottom yet, and although the government has taken some preliminary steps to implement reforms, there a ...  Afficher plus

Episode 32 - The Way Forward for the Knowledge Economy and the Educational Sector in Lebanon

‏Economist Lina Maddah and education specialist Bassel Akar discuss with Christelle Barakat the state of the knowledge economy and education sector in Lebanon, pinpointing the key challenges and offering solutions to overcome them. Lina S. Maddah is an Economic Researcher at the ...  Afficher plus