Healing Her with Ashley LeMieux

Healing Her with Ashley LeMieux

Release Date


48. How Can Mentorship Help Me Align My Business with My Desired Lifestyle?

Today's guest made more money and worked on her mental health with 1 simple shift! I'm so excited for you to learn how today’s guest, Dr. Lindsay Hill, a psych NP has become a successful entrepreneur. She shares how one-on-one sessions enabled her to launch a successful program, ...  عرض المزيد

47. What Can I Do to Build Self-Trust When I’m Terrified of Failing?

Feeling stuck in a cycle of fear and self-doubt? I am so excited to have this amazing conversation with today’s guest Yasmine Cheyenne. She shares her journey as a single mother, navigating feelings of failure in her relationships and parenting, and the grief she experienced with ...  عرض المزيد

46. How Can I Find Myself Again After Experiencing Grief in Motherhood?

How do you keep going after getting the news that your baby has been given 12 months to live? I connected with today’s guest Danielle when she joined the Healing Her membership and her story is so powerful. From the birth of her son with a rare disorder, taking a new identity as ...  عرض المزيد

45. Ways to use social media to benefit your mental health (+ BTS of being an “influencer”)

We’ve got to take our power back from the hungry machine of social media. Whether you are also an entrepreneur and run your businesses online or you’re there to find community I know how these platforms can lead to burnout and joy sucking comparison. In this episode, my husband M ...  عرض المزيد

44. How can I get my fire back when life knocks me down? (Answering YOUR questions!)

It’s been a rough week! My whole family got the stomach flu and I ended up having to cancel some major (like seriously BIG) guest interviews I had lined up in New York City. As I’ve felt down because of literally being sick, changing diarrhea diapers, and having lost money on top ...  عرض المزيد