Better Than Happy

Better Than Happy

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All Episodes

465. Design for the PPL with Erin Haskell Gourde

‏What is it about your space that you tell yourself you’ll eventually get to when you have the time? Why does focusing on your environment even matter?   To explore these questions, I'm joined by Erin Haskell Gourde, the founder and principal designer of Design for the PPL: a des ...  Show more

464. Perseverance

‏I'm diving straight into a question from one of you this week. It's a dilemma I bet we've all faced at some point: setting a goal, feeling super motivated, but inevitably hitting a wall of deflation. Ever been there?   Whether it's sticking to a diet, managing finances, or chasi ...  Show more

463. 10 Years Coaching – Lessons Learned Part 5: Identity

‏Who are you? Are you normal? Are you a mess? Should you be better or different than you are right now? And if you were, would everyone like you more? These are some of the questions you might ask yourself about your identity. Our identity permeates every single experience we hav ...  Show more

462. 10 Years Coaching - Lessons Learned Part 4: Beliefs

‏What’s true for you, right here, right now? What do you believe about the world around you, or what’s possible for you? Do you understand the power of your beliefs in the context of your day-to-day life?   Tune in this week to learn my top lessons learned about beliefs in 10 yea ...  Show more

461. 10 Years Coaching – Lessons Learned Part 3: Money

‏It doesn't matter how much money you have, we all struggle with money drama from time to time. So this week, I'm sharing the most valuable lessons I've learned about money from my 10 years as a coach.   You'll hear how your thoughts about yourself and your beliefs about money be ...  Show more