BiggerPockets Money Podcast

BiggerPockets Money Podcast

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533: What Even We Didn’t Know About “Protecting” Our Wealth

Are you working towards FIRE or building a financial legacy? Then DON’T skip this episode! What’s the point of creating generational wealth if it will be lost after you’re gone? Jenny Rozelle, estate and elder attorney, is back on the show to answer some of our most pressing ques ...  Afficher plus

532: Building Generational Wealth? Don’t Lose It with This ONE Critical Mistake

You’re working hard to build wealth, but without estate planning, your assets could easily land in the wrong hands, causing your family a great deal of trouble. No one likes thinking about their death, but you NEED to tackle this issue head-on if you hope to preserve your legacy! ...  Afficher plus

531: Financial Freedom in 9 Steps: The Money Guy’s Financial Order of Operations

If you follow these nine steps, you will reach financial independence. How do we know? Well, The Money Guy Show’s Brian Preston and Bo Hanson have tested it hundreds of times! Using this simple but extremely powerful “financial order of operations,” anyone from any background can ...  Afficher plus

530: Reaching $1M Net Worth and FI in 6 Years with a “Home Run” Rental Property

You DON’T have to spend your entire life chasing financial independence. Play your cards right, and you may not even need a whole decade! With a little hard work and sacrifice, today’s guest became a millionaire (and financially free) in just SIX years!Welcome back to the BiggerP ...  Afficher plus

529: FI by 25: How to Buy Time and Freedom with a Few Years of Frugal Living

Financial independence by the age of twenty-five?! Today’s guest started working and saving money at a very early age, which allowed him to buy the time and freedom to do the things he values most. Whether you’re twenty-five or fifty-five, applying some of these simple principles ...  Afficher plus