The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

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An [Important] Message for People In Pain

What I’ve learned is that pain is not the curse that most of us think it is.   No, pain has been my purifier—burning through the layers of dross to make a little more of the gold shine.   Let your hurt reveal your wisdom and your difficulty open the doorway into whatever forms of ...  Show more

All Episodes

An [Important] Message for People In Pain

What I’ve learned is that pain is not the curse that most of us think it is.   No, pain has been my purifier—burning through the layers of dross to make a little more of the gold shine.   Let your hurt reveal your wisdom and your difficulty open the doorway into whatever forms of ...  Show more

How YOU Can Install Great Habits This New Year

The best influencers (and elite athletes, artists and inventors) are boring. They are all about Mundanity: repeating the same few habits every single day (whether they feel like performing them or not) until these consistent practices incrementally morph into a tsunami of victory ...  Show more

Daily Practice Is Your Superpower

Practice is your superpower and while your industry peers are playing with their phones, make sure you’re setting aside at least one hour each day to enrich the one skill that will cause you to be more useful to your customers. My latest book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full ...  Show more

How to SUSTAIN Your Mastery Over the Coming Decades

Peak creativity occurs by relaxing into the two main seasons of high-productivity. If you’re serious about becoming a virtuoso, balance periods of being in the world with periods in the wilderness of isolation, contemplation, reflection and renewal. Such times are not a waste. Ac ...  Show more

Work As a Sacred Offering

I’ve never subscribed to the “hustle and grind” philosophy that makes us feel guilty if we’re not working 24/7/365 and though I’ve done my best to inspire my readers and clients to aim for legendary and do their masterwork I’ve also taught that time for rest, regeneration and doi ...  Show more