The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

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Nouvel Episode

Begin to Transcend Your Usual Excuses [Starting Today]

One of the most human of weaknesses we all need to wage war with is the absolute sabotaging seduction of “putting off”.— It’s so easy to put off our inner work so we become the finest versions of our most luminous selves. — It’s so easy to put off investing the sweat equity that ...  Afficher plus

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Begin to Transcend Your Usual Excuses [Starting Today]

One of the most human of weaknesses we all need to wage war with is the absolute sabotaging seduction of “putting off”.— It’s so easy to put off our inner work so we become the finest versions of our most luminous selves. — It’s so easy to put off investing the sweat equity that ...  Afficher plus

How to Handle Haters [The Troll Deconstruction]

Anything original will disrupt the normal. And so those who feel threatened will find it easier to throw stones at you than send appreciation to you. It’s easier to shoot the messenger than embrace a revolutionary message, isn’t it? And so, in today's episode I walk you thro ...  Afficher plus

2 Principles to Scale AND Battleproof Your Economic Wealth

In today's episode of Daily Mastery Podcast, I walk you through 2 [uncommon] high-impact ideas that industry titans use to scale + battleproof their economic wealth while serving as many human beings as possible. My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh idea ...  Afficher plus

Install the Zero-Device Day for Deep Recovery

Install “zero-device days” often so you get away from technology and your usual life to enter the state of flow where your mastery-grade ideas reside. No one receives world-changing insights while playing with their phone. Producers with drained batteries are highly unproductive. ...  Afficher plus

A Powerful Insight to Grow Your Possibility, Mastery and Serenity

When I enter the homes of the best producers on the planet for a day of advisory, my eyes always note that though they might have big TVs in their abodes they inevitably have massive libraries. Books upon books upon books.   Buffett keeps his calendar clear each day so he can rea ...  Afficher plus