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Opal Security's Umaimah Khan on Security-First Identity

Too often, usernames and passwords are the only thing standing between cyber criminals and an organization's data. While it seems obvious, implementing stronger identity controls has historically been a challenge for organizations because the mechanisms that cut off access to thr ...  Afficher plus

Product-Led AI: Mustafa Suleyman on Defining Intelligence

Guest episode of Product-Led AI, hosted by Greylock partner Seth Rosenberg. In this episode, he speaks with AI pioneer Mustafa Suleyman, who has been at the forefront of the technology through several major leaps forward. As the co-founder of DeepMind, Google’s VP of AI Policy an ...  Afficher plus

Code Smarter, Not Harder

Greylock partner Corinne Riley reads her essay "Code Smarter, Not Harder: Solving the Unknowns to Developing AI Engineers."Building AI tools for code generation and engineering workflows is one of the most exciting and worthy undertakings by startups today. But there are still ma ...  Afficher plus

Reinventing Distributed Commerce with AI

App-tracking rules closed the door on user-tracking and targeted ads, but AI opened up new channels of engagement and personalization that previously weren’t possible. Commerce infrastructure company Fermat ushers businesses into this new era of online retail. CEO and co-founder ...  Afficher plus

Shifting Power Dynamics in AI-Focused Cloud

Audio version of the essay "The Big 4 Era: Shifting Power Dynamics in the AI-Focused Cloud" written by Greylock partners Jason Risch and Jerry Chen (read by Greylock head of editorial Heather Mack).It’s never been harder to compete with the Big 3 cloud providers. As the AI revolu ...  Afficher plus