Red Menace

Red Menace

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Student Encampments for Palestine: An Interview with Student Organizers

Students and organizers Cheli and Phia join Alyson and Breht to discuss their different experiences on the front lines of student encampments at Cal State LA and the University of Oregon. Together, they discuss the reasons for their protests, share the differing reactions from un ...  Afficher plus

Students Revolt: The Campus Uprisings for Palestine

Alyson and Breht discuss the student-led protests for Palestine sweeping across American universities, the reaction to them by the ruling class elite and their attack dogs (the cops), lessons learned from previous movements over the past decade or so, parallels to 1968 and the an ...  Afficher plus

Ghosts in the Machines: Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, & Capitalism

In this episode, Alyson and Breht wrestle with the possible rise of artificial general intelligence and its implications. Together they discuss the Silicon Valley Techno-Cult and their dark religious search for immortality, their hubristic attempts to "build god" and escape death ...  Afficher plus

"The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" by Karl Marx

Alyson and Breht explain and explore this famous text from Karl Marx, in the process they discuss French history, class conflict, the peasantry and lumpenproletariat, Bonapartism and Fascism, history, the role of the State under capitalism, and how all of this helps us to make se ...  Afficher plus

Man on Fire: Aaron Bushnell's Sacrifice for Palestine

Rest in Peace, Aaron. Free Palestine! "To burn oneself by fire is to prove that what one is saying is of the utmost importance. There is nothing more painful than burning oneself. To say something while experiencing this kind of pain is to say it with utmost courage, frankness, d ...  Afficher plus