The Conversation

The Conversation

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Women on allotments: soil in the city

In recent years women have overtaken men as the majority on allotments and community gardens. These spaces for growing fruit and vegetables to eat at home have been peaceful places that provide families with healthy food. Datshiane Navanayagam talks to two women from Kenya and Uk ...  عرض المزيد

F-16 fighter pilots: Breaking barriers in combat aviation

Ella Al-Shamahi speaks to two of the first generation of women to ever fly F16s, Manja Blok for the Netherlands Air Force and Heather Penney for the US Air Force. Manja Blok was the first female operational F-16 fighter pilot in the world. After taking the aviation exam at 19, Ma ...  عرض المزيد

Pioneering women in neurosurgery

Datshiane Navanayagam speaks to two female neurosurgeons to hear about the pressures and rewards that come from working in their intense and male-dominated medical field. Dr. Lola Chambless is an American neurosurgeon based in Nashville. She is passionate about medical education ...  عرض المزيد

Women writing about travel

A British explorer who transformed travel and travel writing and a Nigerian novelist and travel blogger talk to Ella Al-Shamahi about their adventures around the world.Hilary Bradt co-founded the world's largest independently owned guidebook publisher fifty years ago. She’s been ...  عرض المزيد

Women saving lives at sea

Ella Al-Shamahi talks to two women from Wales and Goa rescuing people in trouble on the coast. Vivienne Grey was one of the first women to become a crewmember at Little and Broad Haven RNLI in Wales when she started as a volunteer in 1990. She's been involved in more than 120 ‘sh ...  عرض المزيد