Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled

Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffle...

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Help Me Stop Yelling at My Child

Janet responds to an email from a parent who says that lately, she has found herself yelling at her 3-year-old, who’s been having a difficult time since the birth of her brother. She realizes that yelling is not helping her daughter, and it’s not the parent she wants to be. “I’ve ...  Show more

Childhood Wounds We Never Knew We Had (Until Kids) with Dr. Jean Cheng

Clinical psychologist Jean Cheng joins Janet to discuss the puzzling, painful, and self-defeating feelings that our children's behaviors can bring up in us as parents. No matter how well educated and prepared we are for this role, we might find ourselves overwhelmed and viscerall ...  Show more

Hitting, Screaming, Calling Us Names (and What We Can Do About it)

Janet helps a struggling parent understand her spirited toddler’s aggressive behavior and offers suggestions to respond more effectively.For more advice on common parenting issues, please check out Janet's best-selling books on Audible, FREE with a 30-day trial membership if you ...  Show more

Lessons, Sports, and Hobbies: A Child-Led Approach

How do we help our children benefit from the privilege of extracurricular activities? At what age should we enroll our kids in lessons and sports? Janet has a child-centered approach that not everyone will agree with, but she believes is "too good not to share." She discusses how ...  Show more

Easing Our Children's Transition to School

It can be so hard to separate from our children sometimes! Particularly if they cry, seem anxious, or strongly object. How can we prepare our children (and ourselves) for a successful transition? Janet responds to emails from two different families struggling with goodbyes at sch ...  Show more