G'Day Australia - مرحبا أستراليا

G'Day Australia - مرحبا أستراليا

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Aussie pubs 101: All you need to know about pubs as a migrant - أكثر من مكان لشرب الكحول: الـ Pub للأستراليين مثل المقهى للعرب

‏Have you visited a pub in Australia? For many, a pub is not only a place to get a drink, but also a place to spend time with family and friends. In this episode of Australia Explained, we learn why pubs are so well-loved, and why many people rate Australian pubs better than Engl ...  Show more

From vegemite to kangaroo meat: the stories behind Australia's most iconic foods - من الفيجمايت إلى لحم الكنغر: اليكم قصص أشهر وأغرب المأكولات الأسترالية

‏Have you ever tried kangaroo or witchetty grub meat? What’s your favourite Aussie treat? In the second installment of Australia Explained, we discuss some of the country's most iconic dishes and equip you with easy-to-prepare recipes and also unfold the stories of their origin… ...  Show more

All you need to know about Australian slang - دليلك لتعلم اللهجة الأسترالية العامية

‏Brekkie. Biccy. Barby. These are all classic Aussie slang words that leave some people scratching their heads in confusion. Know what an ‘arvo’ is? Don’t worry, we’ll explain. Learn about some of the best known (or not known) Australian slang words, as well as why different part ...  Show more

Australia Explained: what does it mean to be Australian? - بودكاست أستراليا بالعربي: ماذا يعني أن تكون أسترالياً؟

‏Tune in to Australia Explained, SBS Arabic24's latest podcast, which offers a beginner's guide to all things Aussie, including need-to-know slang, foods, music, sports, comedy, and much more. 

'No books, no homework': Migrants share what shocked them most about Australian education - "لا كتب ولا منهاج ولا نظام": أكثر ما صدم المهاجرين العرب بالنظام التعليمي المدرسي في أستراليا

‏Listen in to this episode of Australia Explained, as new migrants discuss how they navigate the 'best' educational future for their children, whether in the private or public systems, while trying to shake off their expectations from the Arab world. - أين الكتب؟ ولماذا ليس هناك ...  Show more