World Renegade Church Podcast

World Renegade Church Podcast

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The power behind prayer and fasting.

There is such a power when we combine prayer and fasting! that won't come any other way unless we combine the two. Listen in and learn how both inside the pages of scripture and outside the pages of scripture men and women who feared the Lord prayed and fasted and God moved on th ...  Show more

If God did it for Nineveh...

The story of Jonah is widely known as The story of the guy who was swallowed by a giant fish or as some have heard it told "a whale"...However their is a key point in the story which many overlook in regards to the people of Nineveh who Jonah was to deliver a warning from God to, ...  Show more

Letting go, so you can grow.

When it comes to fasting so many have come to say "Oh, I can't do a fast, I can't let food go, its to good to me" In saying that they have shown where their hearts and desire truly are. Pastor Adriel gets into why fasting is so important and has the listener check their heart as ...  Show more


What is fasting? Why even go on a fast? Is fasting the same as a diet?... The answer to the questions above and much more are available in this podcast as you hear why Jesus tells us to fast, what are the spiritual benefits to fasting and about the power of fasting before God. Li ...  Show more

The New Man.

With 2014 here many have came up with New Year Resolutions and with the New Year comes the idea of a clean slate, fresh start, or starting over and those things are all done in our own "power". However their is something we are completely powerless to accomplish which Christ has ...  Show more